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Welcome New Members!

Our two monthly socials and monthly Kinx discussion group are free to everyone and do not require membership or registration.

There are two ways to participate in additional ClubX activities.

Full membership is $60 annually and gives you access to specific privileges for 12 months. It includes:

- Attendance at all education events at no additional cost,
- Ticket purchases for yourself to our members only parties,
- Discount on your open party ticket,
- Attendance at open Board of Directors meetings, and
- Voting privileges in our annual elections.

The Xpass is $10 for 30 days. The pass is for you to access our classes and to check out the club before committing to a full year. The Xpass includes:

- Access to all education events only,
- Xpass holders are not full members of the club,
- Are not eligible to purchase tickets to members only parties, and
If, in those 30 days, you decide to become a full member, we will give you a credit for the $10 already paid. 

A founding principle of Club X is that no one is turned away from our education for lack of funds. If you would like an Xpass for reasons of financial hardship, please email for more information.

For either Xpass or full membership follow these directions.

IMPORTANT!!! On Page 1 of the membership form below - DO NOT ENTER your first or last name where indicated. - Instead enter your Scene Name as your First Name, and your Fetlife Handle as your last name instead. If you do not use FetLife, enter NH (for no handle).



First Name = Scene Name

Last Name = Fetlife Handle



Your LEGAL NAME must be entered only on page 2.


Thank you,



Club X Board of Directors

join Today!